Weather for Westminster Abbey
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Westminster Abbey
It will be cloudy with winds of 11 mph gusting to 18 mph out of the SSE. The high will be 18°C (64°F) with a wind chill of 15°C (59°F). Probability of precipitation is 9 percent.
It will be cloudy with winds of 7 mph gusting to 16 mph out of the SE Low 13°C (55°F) with a wind chill of 12°C (54°F). Probability of precipitation is 9 percent..
It will be cloudy with winds of 9 mph gusting to 13 mph out of the SE. The high will be 20°C (68°F) with a wind chill of 18°C (64°F). Probability of precipitation is 12 percent.
Wednesday night:
It will be cloudy with winds of 2 mph gusting to 4 mph out of the SSE Low 10°C (50°F) with a wind chill of 11°C (52°F). Probability of precipitation is 12 percent..
It will be cloudy with winds of 7 mph gusting to 11 mph out of the SE. The high will be 20°C (68°F) with a wind chill of 19°C (66°F). Probability of precipitation is 19 percent.
Thursday night:
It will be cloudy with winds of 4 mph gusting to 9 mph out of the WSW Low 11°C (52°F) with a wind chill of 12°C (54°F). Probability of precipitation is 19 percent..
Light rain showers are expected today with winds of 9 mph gusting to 18 mph out of the WSW. The high will be 21°C (70°F) with a heat index of 18°C (64°F). Probability of precipitation is 39 percent.
Friday night:
It will be cloudy with winds of 4 mph gusting to 9 mph out of the W Low 11°C (52°F) with a wind chill of 12°C (54°F). Probability of precipitation is 39 percent..
It will be cloudy with winds of 7 mph gusting to 16 mph out of the NW. The high will be 21°C (70°F) with a heat index of 18°C (64°F). Probability of precipitation is 35 percent.
Saturday night:
It will be a clear night with winds of 7 mph gusting to 13 mph out of the N Low 11°C (52°F) with a wind chill of 11°C (52°F). Probability of precipitation is 35 percent..

Weather information provided by UK's official weather service the Met Office

Weather Observation for Northolt, England
51.548N 0.415W

Last Updated: 14 May 2024, 17:00 GMT
Weather: Sunny
Temperature: 17.0°C (63°F)
Dewpoint: 10.5°C (51°F)
Relative Humidity: 68.9 %
Wind: South at 10 mph
Visibility: 27.96 miles
Pressure: 1001 Rising

Northolt 17.0°C (63°F)/
10.5°C (51°F)
South at 10 mph
17:00 GMT




Weather Observation for Kenley, England
51.303N 0.09W

Last Updated: 14 May 2024, 17:00 GMT
Weather: Partly cloudy
Temperature: 14.5°C (58°F)
Dewpoint: 10.0°C (50°F)
Relative Humidity: 74.3 %
Wind: South at 8 mph
Visibility: 21.75 miles
Pressure: 1001 Rising

Kenley 14.5°C (58°F)/
10.0°C (50°F)
South at 8 mph
17:00 GMT

Weather Observation for Heathrow, England
51.479N 0.449W

Last Updated: 14 May 2024, 17:00 GMT
Weather: Partly cloudy
Temperature: 16.8°C (62°F)
Dewpoint: 10.6°C (51°F)
Relative Humidity: 68.5 %
Wind: SouthEast at 14 mph
Visibility: 27.96 miles
Pressure: 1001 Rising

Heathrow 16.8°C (62°F)/
10.6°C (51°F)
SouthEast at 14 mph
17:00 GMT

Weather Observation for Charlwood, England
51.15N 0.2333W

Last Updated: 14 May 2024, 17:00 GMT
Weather: Cloudy
Temperature: 16.4°C (62°F)
Dewpoint: 10.9°C (52°F)
Relative Humidity: 70.8 %
Wind: SouthSouthEast at 8 mph
Visibility: 27.96 miles
Pressure: 1001 Steady

Charlwood 16.4°C (62°F)/
10.9°C (52°F)
SouthSouthEast at 8 mph
17:00 GMT
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence
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Radar is approximate. For accurate dispay click on Met Office